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Read more about the tag: 2022

Gas price freeze from 1 January – but not for companies

Date28 Dec 2022
The Polish parliament has decided to freeze gas prices at the current level for the coming year. Gas is expected to cost a maximum of 200 PLN (~45 EUR) per...
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Start of construction for the expansion of the Gdansk container port

Date22 Dec 2022
Construction work on the third terminal (T3) has begun at the Port of Gdansk on the Baltic Hub container terminal (formerly DCT Gdansk). In the first instance, the multi-phase plan...
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Amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Act and certain other acts (Polish Deal 3.0)

Date15 Dec 2022
Published on 25 October 2022, the Act of 7 October 2022 introduces new regulations for taxpayers. For the most part, the changes under the Act apply to CIT and come...
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Ukrainians set up over 10 000 companies in Poland

Date12 Dec 2022
Ukrainian citizens founded 10,207 companies in Poland in the first three quarters of this year, reports the Polish Institute of Economics (PIE). There has been a dynamic upward trend since...
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First ultra-fast charging station from PKN Orlen

Date06 Dec 2022
The Polish petroleum company PKN Orlen has put into operation the first ultra-fast charging station for electric vehicles. It is located in the northern part of the A-1 motorway at...
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Upcoming changes in labour law

Date28 Nov 2022
Remote work and sobriety control The government’s bill to amend the Act – Labor Code and certain other acts concerning remote working and sobriety control is already in the lower...
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Transfer pricing statement and indirect transactions with countries considered as tax havens

Date23 Nov 2022
We would like to inform you, that as of January 1, 2021, pursuant to Art. 11o Sec. 1a and 1b of the Corporate Income Tax Act, the obligation to prepare...
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Surprisingly high growth as a snapshot

Date16 Nov 2022
Surprisingly positive and clearly above analysts’ expectations were the industrial production data in September. According to the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the value of sold industrial production was 9.8 per cent...
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Changes in the employment of Russian citizens

Date15 Nov 2022
The rules regarding the legalisation of employment of citizens of the Russian Federation in Poland have changed. As a result of the entry into force of the Ordinance of the...
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Instead of two, three nuclear power plants in Poland

Date12 Nov 2022
4 gigawatts for 20 billion dollars According to Anna Moskwa, Minister of Climate and Environment, these are the key figures for Poland’s first nuclear power plant. The Polish government has...
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