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Customs should not be an independent authority

Date04 Aug 2016
After the medical care staff, now the customs officers started protest actions against the government. While the medical care staff are mainly concerned with better pay, the customs officers protesting...
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The economic growth is still halted

Date26 Jul 2016
The industrial production in April with a growth of 6 percent was higher than the result in the corresponding month of the previous year. However, according to the data of...
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Poland 2016: Tax Changes – Corporate, Income & Sales Tax in Poland are subject to new tax changes

Date21 Jul 2016
Corporate / Income Tax The regulation related to the obligations of the tax deductible expenses which are unpaid, shall be stopped Depreciation tax shield in connection with the acquisition of...
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getsix® Partner interview with Outsourcing Magazine

Date16 May 2016
In the March 2016 edition of ‘Outsourcing Magazine’* getsix® Partner Monika Martynkiewicz-Frank was interviewed regarding her vast knowledge and expertise in the world of Accounting. Due to Monika’s very busy...
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New regulation to avoid taxes – Changes to the Tax Code

Date11 May 2016
The draft amendment to the Tax Code on 30th December, 2015 prepared by the Ministry of Finance provides regulations to allow the tax authorities to challenge the effects of any...
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The PiS government from 1st July, 2016 wants to introduce a new minimum hourly wage scheme

Date07 Apr 2016
As announced in the election manifesto the PiS government introduced a draft law, which should be introduced from 1st July, 2016, the introduction of a statutory minimum hourly wage. The...
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Even foreign seller shall pay trade tax

Date30 Mar 2016
Polish customers like to offer goods from foreign, especially German internet shops. Not only because they offer a wide range of often higher-quality products at better prices, but also apply...
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Business operators should not count cash paid expenses as tax deductible

Date24 Mar 2016
The Ministry of Finance has prepared a draft law within the Income Tax Act, the Corporation Tax Act and the Business Activities Freedom Act. The amendment advises that payments that...
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getsix® Services ranked 5th in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV ‘Partners Ranking’ in Poland

Date22 Mar 2016
getsix Services Sp. z o. o. are proud to announce that we have been ranked 5th in the Microsoft ‘Partner Ranking’ for this quarter. Microsoft Poland compiles a ‘Partner Ranking’...
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Agriculture & Food industry

Date17 Mar 2016
The government wants to stop the sale of agricultural land for 5 years The Department of Agriculture has released the draft of the law in the Official Journal BIP that...
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