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Change in the implementation deadline for mandatory e-Delivery in Poland

Date25 Jul 2024
The Ministry of Digital Affairs has announced a postponement of the mandatory requirement for having an e-Delivery mailbox. The official announcement was published by the Minister of Digital Affairs in...
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Pay & Refund in Poland – a complicated withholding tax (WHT) refund procedure

Date22 Jul 2024
The Pay and Refund mechanism, i.e. refund of withholding tax, is a complicated process that not everyone can easily use. It primarily requires a lot of time, proper preparation and...
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Coverage of losses from the statutory fund of a foundation and tax exemption

Date19 Jul 2024
Recently, the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland (Polish: Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny, NSA) issued an important ruling regarding the issue of overpayment of corporate income tax by foundations with the status...
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Minimum tax – can also be paid by entities reporting a loss

Date17 Jul 2024
As of January 1, 2024, regulations on the minimum corporate income tax have come into force. The purpose of the minimum tax is to tax entities that do not generate...
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Latest changes in the rules for employment of Ukrainian citizens

Date09 Jul 2024
The changes in the rules for employment of Ukrainian citizens, which came into force on July 1, 2024, aim to facilitate the recruitment process and adapt the regulations to the...
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National Bank of Poland interest rates in July 2024

Date04 Jul 2024
On July 2-3, 2024, the Monetary Policy Council held a meeting during which it decided to keep the interest rates unchanged. Current National Bank of Poland interest rates: reference rate...
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The “Active Parent” Act – new benefits for parents

Date03 Jul 2024
On June 12th, 2024, the Act on Supporting Parents in Professional Activity and Child Rearing, commonly known as the “Active Parent” Act, was published in the Journal of Laws of...
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Directive DAC7 – obligations from 1 July 2024

Date01 Jul 2024
We would like to remind you that as of 1 July 2024, the provisions of European Union Directive No. 2021/1194 of 7 July 2021 (hereinafter “DAC7”) have come into force...
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Accommodation costs of posted employees in the EU do not constitute income

Date27 Jun 2024
In recent years, the issue of taxation of accommodation costs for employees posted by employers to other EU member states has gained importance. In this context, the judgments of the...
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The Whistleblower Protection Act – new responsibilities for employers

Date26 Jun 2024
On June 24, 2024, the Whistleblower Protection Act was published in the Journal of Laws, aligning Polish legislation with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and Council dated October...
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