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Read more about the tag: Tax Law

Coverage of losses from the statutory fund of a foundation and tax exemption

Date19 Jul 2024
Recently, the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland (Polish: Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny, NSA) issued an important ruling regarding the issue of overpayment of corporate income tax by foundations with the status...
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Directive DAC7 – obligations from 1 July 2024

Date01 Jul 2024
We would like to remind you that as of 1 July 2024, the provisions of European Union Directive No. 2021/1194 of 7 July 2021 (hereinafter “DAC7”) have come into force...
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Amendment to the Accounting Act signed by the President

Date24 Jun 2024
On April 16, 2024, the President signed an amendment to the Accounting Act, which requires large companies to break down information on income tax paid and other data by country....
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Application of R&D tax relief in a consulting services company

Date17 May 2024
In the judgment of March 7, 2024, ref. no. II FSK 753/21, the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) addressed the issue of the application of the R&D tax relief in a...
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A cash payment into the supplier’s bank account cannot be included in deductible expenses

Date13 May 2024
In the judgment dated March 27, 2024 (ref. I SA/Lu 33/24), the Provincial Administrative Court in Lublin ruled that a cash payment into a supplier’s bank account cannot be included...
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Non-deductibility of expenses for organizing team-building meetings with co-workers from the company’s income

Date08 May 2024
The Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) has once again taken a position on the deduction of expenses for organizing integration meetings. In its latest ruling dated March 12, 2024 (ref. no....
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The increase in the VAT rate on food from April 1, 2024

Date15 Mar 2024
The Ministry of Finance has announced that from April 1, 2024, the reduced VAT rate on basic food products will not be continued. Instead of the zero VAT rate, which...
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Protective opinion regarding the restructuring and transformation of a limited partnership into a LLC company

Date20 Feb 2024
On January 22, 2024, a statement was issued regarding the release by the Head of the National Tax Administration (KAS) of a protective opinion dated November 29, 2023, concerning the...
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Minimum income tax from 1 January 2024

Date24 Nov 2023
From 1 January 2024, minimum rules for corporate income tax will come into force in accordance with Article 24ca of the CIT Act. This tax is intended to tighten the...
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One-time tickets exempt from the obligation of issuing structured e-invoices

Date02 Oct 2023
On September 4, 2023, a draft regulation was introduced at the Government Legislation Center that defines situations where taxpayers, with properly documented delivery of goods or services, won’t need to...
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