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Read more about the tag: Personal Income Tax (PIT)

Accommodation costs of posted employees in the EU do not constitute income

Date27 Jun 2024
In recent years, the issue of taxation of accommodation costs for employees posted by employers to other EU member states has gained importance. In this context, the judgments of the...
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Lump sum for using a private car for local business travel as taxable income (PIT)

Date23 May 2024
In the Polish tax system, there are many categories of income subject to Personal Income Tax (PIT). One such income is the lump sum paid to an employee for using...
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PIT reliefs 2024

Date23 Apr 2024
Deduction covering blood donation purposes The monetary equivalent for one litre of blood was determined on the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Health and amounts to PLN...
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Over 5 million tax returns filed through e-PIT

Date10 Apr 2024
According to information provided by the Head of the National Tax Administration (KAS), over 5 million declarations have already been filed using the Your e-PIT service. Taxpayers settling their PIT...
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“Your e-PIT” service also for entrepreneurs

Date07 Feb 2024
The “Your e-PIT” service is one of the most popular e-services in public administration. Last year, taxpayers submitted as many as 11.9 million tax declarations using this service. As of...
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Individual tax micro-account – What to know in 2024

Date04 Jan 2024
What is an individual tax micro-account? An individual tax micro-account serves as an individualized platform designed for making tax payments. Introduced on 1 January 2020, it was designed to streamline...
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New draft regulation for the individual tax micro-account

Date05 Dec 2023
On November 14, 2023, the Ministry of Finance has published a draft regulation on its website, that expands the catalogue of types of receivables that can be paid via tax...
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Property development companies vs. real estate companies

Date21 Jun 2022
According to the recently presented position of the Director of the National Revenue Information, a real estate developer engaged in the construction of residential and non-residential buildings and their sale...
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Tax Benefits for Aid to Ukraine

Date26 Apr 2022
Engaging in aid to Ukraine may benefit from several existing and newly introduced tax benefits. Although some regulations came into force in the middle of March – they are effective...
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When can a general partner deduct limited partnership tax (CIT) from PIT?

Date08 Sep 2021
From 1 January 2021 Polish limited partnerships are obliged to settle CIT. For owners of such companies it means double settlement of income tax: first they will pay CIT of...
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