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Read more about the tag: Payroll

Lump sum for using a private car for local business travel as taxable income (PIT)

Date23 May 2024
In the Polish tax system, there are many categories of income subject to Personal Income Tax (PIT). One such income is the lump sum paid to an employee for using...
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Social security for sickness and maternity

Date18 Apr 2024
Persons who are obligatorily insured for sickness and maternity are mainly employees. Persons covered by obligatory pension and disability pensions insurance, who, inter alia: work on the basis of an...
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Changes to the deduction for the Company Social Benefits Fund

Date22 Feb 2024
The 2024 budget law does not introduce any specific provisions regarding the calculation of the basic deduction for the Company Social Benefits Fund (CSBF). Therefore, general rules will apply, i.e....
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Taxation of withdrawals from the Employee Capital Plans (PPK)

Date15 Feb 2024
On January 18th, 2024, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) issued a landmark ruling (case number II FSK 435/21) on the principles of taxation of withdrawals from Employee Capital Plans (PPK)....
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Amendment of the Law on the Protection of Minors – new obligations for employers

Date12 Feb 2024
On Thursday, February 15, 2024, the provisions of the amended Act on Combating Sexual Offences and Protecting Minors will come into force. The new wording of the act and the...
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Changes in Polish labour law 2024

Date10 Jan 2024
Minimum wage The minimum wage will increase twice in 2024. From 1 January 2024, the minimum wage will be PLN 4,242 gross followed by a second increase to PLN 4,300...
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New amount of subsidy for employee meals

Date02 Nov 2023
From September 1, 2023, an amendment to § 2 para. 1 point 11 of the regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of December 18, 1998, has come...
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Remote work in EU Countries – new position of Polish Social Insurance Institution

Date29 Sep 2023
In the recent months, employers and employees have faced difficulties in obtaining the A1 certificate when applying for remote work outside of Poland. The position of the Polish Social Insurance...
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Amendment to the Minimum Wage Act

Date11 Sep 2023
We would like to draw your attention to a significant amendment to the Act of October 10, 2002, concerning the minimum wage, which was introduced under the Act of July...
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Increase of protection for employees under special protection

Date06 Sep 2023
As of September 22, 2023, changes will come into effect that concern the enhancement of protection for employees under special protection. The following individuals will gain greater protection from dismissal...
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