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Read more about the category: Taxes and Law in Poland

Revised: trade tax with 2 rates of taxation

Date02 Sep 2016
Initially, the national-conservative PiS Government wanted to introduce a special tax for trading already in March. Faced with massive criticism from retailers and the doubts expressed by the European Commission...
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Changes in Polish taxation regulations in 2016

Date13 Aug 2016
New rules for making adjustments to costs as of 1st January, 2016. Correction invoices will be processed on an ongoing basis without the need to do this retrospectively. The new...
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Poland 2016: Tax Changes – Corporate, Income & Sales Tax in Poland are subject to new tax changes

Date21 Jul 2016
Corporate / Income Tax The regulation related to the obligations of the tax deductible expenses which are unpaid, shall be stopped Depreciation tax shield in connection with the acquisition of...
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New regulation to avoid taxes – Changes to the Tax Code

Date11 May 2016
The draft amendment to the Tax Code on 30th December, 2015 prepared by the Ministry of Finance provides regulations to allow the tax authorities to challenge the effects of any...
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Even foreign seller shall pay trade tax

Date30 Mar 2016
Polish customers like to offer goods from foreign, especially German internet shops. Not only because they offer a wide range of often higher-quality products at better prices, but also apply...
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New Regulations on Interest in 2016

Date10 Mar 2016
From 1st January, 2016 we have important changes to the regulations on interest rates within commercial transactions and the signing of contracts. We would like to draw your attention to...
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List of changes in law which are significant for entrepreneurs from 1st January 2016

Date08 Feb 2016
Act of 15th May 2015 Restructuring Law The Act regulates the conclusion of an arrangement by an insolvent or threatened by insolvency debtor with creditors, the effects of the arrangement...
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In certain cases, it is possible to cancel an invoice

Date11 Jan 2016
The issuer of an invoice document, the bill which has not yet left the business, i.e. has not been received by the recipient of the invoice can be cancelled, providing...
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The new transfer pricing documentation requirements for transactions between affiliates

Date08 Jan 2016
With reference to the rule changes regarding the drawing up of transfer pricing documentation, the responsibility to submit transfer pricing documentation to the tax authority when required, and to create...
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The taxation structure associated with wind farms

Date07 Jan 2016
If a property, which is erected with the buildings for wind turbines (the foundations, masts, street and square paving, outer wall, fencing, pipelines), is owned by farmers, and this land...
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