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Amendments to the Act on Personal Income Tax (PIT): 70% tax on compensation

Date22 Dec 2015
From 1st January, 2016, certain type’s severance pay and compensation connected to non-complete clauses will be subject to tax. Compensation of 70% PIT Tax will be subject to, amongst others,...
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Legislators restrict the extension of fixed-term contracts

Date21 Dec 2015
Due to an adjustment to the Labour Code, the Polish Parliament has restricted the period of the conclusion of fixed-term contracts to 33 months. By restricting the common practice, particularly...
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The purchase of Christmas gifts for employees could qualify as a social benefit

Date17 Dec 2015
The social benefits for employees on the occasions of Christmas and Easter can either be funded by the Company Social Benefit Fund (ZFŚS) or from the company’s current assets. The...
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Amazon sellers & VAT in Poland

Date04 Dec 2015
Many clients of getsix® are foreign Amazon sellers from other European Union (EU) countries or from outside the EU. getsix® handles the VAT registration process for these Amazon dealers in...
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Micro-undertakings have no obligation to prepare notes to financial statements or management reports

Date25 Sep 2014
This is the outcome of an amendment of the existing accounting bill. The amended accounting bill transposes the European Commission Accounting Directive of 26 June, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as...
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Settlement of operations on a foreign currency account

Date07 Aug 2014
In order to determine exchange differences on a foreign currency account, the inflow and outflow of foreign currency needs to be valued. As a rule, for the purposes of this...
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Date of issuing an invoice in the case of delivery of goods

Date17 Apr 2014
An invoice should include the following: the date of issuing, the date of executing or finalising the delivery of goods, when you performed the service and the date of receiving...
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The compulsory time limits during the preparation of Financial Statements

Date27 Feb 2014
Companies included in the entry within The National Court Register (NCR), shall provide their Financial Statements to the appropriate register. The information should be automatically forwarded for publication in the...
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Expenditure on small snacks are a tax expense

Date27 Nov 2013
Expenses of businesspeople for small snacks and drinks (such as cookies, crackers, sandwiches, coffee, tea, water and juice) are deductible, regardless of whether they are served during discussions with partners...
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Compensation for early termination of the lease agreement may be subject to VAT

Date26 Nov 2013
According to the ruling of the Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw of 15 February, 2013 (file III SA / Wa 1882/12) compensation for the early termination of the lease agreement...
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