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Marta Radoszko-Adamczak celebrates 5 years’ anniversary at getsix®

Marta Radoszko-Adamczak celebrates 5 years’ anniversary at getsix®

Date14 May 2020

We are driven by excellent people

Last week at our Poznań office we celebrated 5 years of employment with Marta Radoszko-Adamczak.

Mr Roy Heynlein for the first time had to conduct this presentation via video link from his home to the office due to covid-19 complications. Roy virually presented Marta with a nice basket and flowers and highlighted how Marta was a great example of loyalty, commitment, diligence and hard work, while saying a big thank you!

getsix® is a customer-focused business built around customers’ needs, we do this by putting our customers at the heart of everything we do. Therefore, all the partners of getsix® thank Marta for her excellent performance and dedication, it is with pleasure we continue working together.