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Interview with getsix® employee Emilia Biniek

Date17 Feb 2016

Emilia Biniek – Customer Relations Consultant


What will your role by within getsix® ?

I will be a getsix® Customer Relations Consultant, allowing me to get involved in taking care of our existing clients and new clients for their full range of Accounting, Payroll, HR, Tax & Financial services, complimented with a fully developed, sophisticated range of technical IT solutions. Also part of my role will be to manage important customer correspondence and translation of certain documentation. This will allow me to also utilise my languages skills, to provide a seamless experience for our clients.

What are your expectations when working at getsix® ?

I already see that it is important to the Partners of getsix® that staff are fully trained and have an excellent command of foreign language. Pre-defined, clear internal workflows and processing, strengthened with quality management (ISO 9001:2008) provide the structure for the getsix® ‘Business Excellence Framework’. This completely fits with a workplace I want to grow within and for sure will have a positive effect on my duties.

Why did you select getsix® for the next stage of your career ?

Having studied in Wrocław I wanted to remain in this beautiful and vibrant city. A great opportunity became available within getsix® and I was lucky enough to be accepted into a company that clearly realises that their employees are the wealth of their business. This will also allow me to acquire new experiences and self-develop in various fields.

If you could be someone else for the day, who would it be? And why ?

This is a difficult question that I am happy to answer. I would want to be a war correspondent, this comes from my real passion to travel and world affairs. I also find myself being interested in armed conflicts and the impact that it has on each particular country, with regards the human impact and the historical impression it leaves on different cultures. This really fascinates me. It certainly would provide inspiration and drive.

If you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 people would you like to share that island with and why ?

There is a simple answer to this question, I would bring those individuals who I am already familiar with, and with whom I like to spend time with. People who could improve my mood, I can speak to that make me smile and discuss any problems or support I might need. These would also be people whom I can be honest with and not afraid of the truth. If on an island, we might disagree on some things, but we must then be able to resolve.