getsix® accounting office in Poznan provides you with comprehensive services in accounting, payroll, corporate finance and tax matters.
We provide services to Polish and foreign companies. Our accountants speak Polish, English and German.
Our clients have constant online access to their documentation, accounting settlements and individual HR and payroll reports through an intuitive Customer Extranet digital platform.
To guarantee you the highest quality of service - we adhere to ISO 9001 standards, and regular ISO audits give our clients the confidence that their accounting is kept reliably and securely.
Contact with getsix® accounting office in Poznan
- ul. Stanislawa Wyspianskiego 43
60-751 Poznan
Wielkopolskie, Poland - Phone: +48 61 668 34 00
Fax: +48 61 668 34 10
E-mail: - KRS: 0000351258
NIP: 2090001581
REGON: 301293911 - Location:
Latitude: 52.39959
Longitude: 16.89063
Map of Poznan: PDF download
Scope of services of our accounting office in Poznan
We offer a wide range of accounting, payroll, tax, business and audit services. If you choose to cooperate with our accounting office in Poznan, you can decide to outsource single business processes such as accounting or choose comprehensive solutions that will satisfy all your needs in a given area.
We will be happy to prepare an individual accounting offer for you. Please contact us by phone or through the form.
Range of our accounting services in our Poznan office:
Keeping full accounting books in accordance with the Accounting Act and international IAS / IFRS standards. Bookkeeping, reporting, current accounting records.
Maintenance of revenue and expense records, calculation of tax due, reporting and ongoing control of legal possibilities to use this form of accounting.
Calculation of output tax, reporting and ongoing control of legal options to use this form of accounting.
Maintenance of revenue records, calculation of output tax, reporting and on-going control of legal options to use this form of accounting.
Record keeping of fixed assets, preparation of balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, cash flow statements, statements of changes in equity, etc.
Preparation, labeling, issuing and settlement of invoices, in accordance with applicable law. Supervision of the VAT rate for sales.
Preparation of financial reports required by regulations, as well as personalized reports - according to the client's guidelines - for the needs of current financial analysis. Possibility of reporting in Polish, German and English.
Preparation of tax documentation, consultations, tax audits, representation before the Tax Office and Tax Chamber, drafting appeals, complaints and requests for interpretation.
Quick and direct access to all accounting documentation through a dedicated electronic platform. Direct online contact with your accountant.
Constant online access to statements, reports and financial summaries concerning current activities and financial flows. Reporting in Polish, German and English.
Keeping records of VAT purchases and sales, calculating output tax, reporting, ongoing contact with the Polish Inland Revenue Office, registration of foreign VAT sales.
Storing and organizing documents in Microsoft Dynamics NAV cloud. Possibility of independent creation of folders and subfolders. Full digital archive of accounting documentation.
Photo gallery of Accounting Office in Poznan
HR and payroll for clients of the Poznan office
HR services
Preparation of employment contracts and civil law contracts, maintaining social security documentation, personal files, vacation cards and working time register. Preparation of PFRON declarations (Polish Fund for the rehabilitation of the disabled). Issuance of certificates of employment. Preparation of documentation for the inspection of the National Labour Inspectorate and the current analysis.
Payroll service
Calculation of wages, preparation of payroll and payroll reports, calculation of tax and social security contributions, implementation of salary transfers, preparation of wage information and annual income information, issuance of certificates of employment and earnings.
HR and payroll documentation in the cloud
Fast and direct access to all HR and payroll documentation via a dedicated electronic platform. Direct online contact with your HR manager.
Profiled HR and payroll services
We provide specialized services in the field of: executive compensation, replacement of HR and payroll employees, consulting in the field of labor law and social insurance, accounting for foreigners delegated to work in Poland and support in the implementation and operation of Employee Capital Plans (PPK).
Our Clutch Badges

We provide services for:
- Capital companies
- Partnerships
- Sole traders
- Foundations
- Associations
- Co-operatives
- Budgetary units
- Industry
- IT companies
- E-commerce
- Developers real estate
- Real estate agents
- Construction companies
Accounting Office Poznan - What distinguishes our services?
Providing accounting services for your company we guarantee:
- quick contact with tax specialists who will answer all your questions;
- access to your accounting documents from any place in the world via an easy-to-use online platform;
- constant compliance of your accounting books with current legislation;
- adaptation of our services to the individual needs of your company;
- security of the information entrusted to us guaranteed by implementation of the ISO 27001
Read more about » Our information security policy
Photo gallery of our
Accounting Office building
- high quality of services confirmed by certificates;
- promptness.
Our experienced, interdisciplinary team, consisting of accountants, lawyers, tax advisors, HR and IT specialists, constantly extends its knowledge and reacts to any changes in the legal and economic environment.
We will make sure that your settlements are carried out accurately, in accordance with current legislation and always on time.
Learn more about our values » Our Service Model